Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mission: Eat my way through LA!

After a year of training for an ironman, I found myself post race, with a case of "postpartum", I had way too much time on my hands now. What would I replace 5 hour bike rides with? Why did I need to go to bed early on a Friday night now if I didn't need to get up at the crack of dawn Saturday to spend a weekend training? I spent a month thinking of things to fill the void Ironman created and really the only thing I wanted to do, or ever want to do, is travel. Unfortunately building my career isn't conducive to extended transcontinental travels right now. So what could I do while I'm in Los Angeles and working (a lot)? Finally, one bleary eyed Thursday afternoon, it hit me, I will replace training with eating! YES! That was it. I can travel the world through my palette in my own city. I would eat my way through all the ethnic neighborhoods in LA! China Town, Korea Town, Little Ethiopia, Little Tokyo, Taiwanese town, Hispanic neighborhoods, Moroccan clusters, heavily populated Indian neighborhoods, Japanese town, Little Italy. Do all of these even exist in LA? I'm really not sure. But I keep you posted on the curries and hand made corn tortillas I find along the way!

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